AQ Specialty Automotive located in Portland, Oregon, services all makes and models, foreign and domestic, cars, trucks, and vans. Owner, and technician, Johnny Ridgway Jr. has over 16 years experience working on vehicles of all makes and models; including passenger cars, trucks, and off-road and recreational vehicles.
All our mechanics are automotive master technicians with ASE Master Certification!
The AQ Automotive Team believes in regular scheduled maintenance to prevent costly repairs. AQ Automotive Staff work to help people appreciate the value of regularly servicing their vehicles. All new and used vehicles need regular check-ups to ensure all parts are in a proper working condition. Regular maintenances (Major Service's) are required to keep your vehicle up and running correctly and to keep your factory warranty valid . In general this major service is repeated every 30,000 miles so that it also represents your 60K, 90K, 120K, and 150K service. Regularly performing these services will prevent problems and slow down vehicle wear and tear before it becomes serious. Preventive maintenance saves you time, money and the inconvenience of emergency car trouble.